Thank you so much for praying for the Lord’s work in Kamchatka throughout the month of May. Many of you joined us in specific and daily prayer. What a blessing it is to serve the Lord together even though we are miles apart. Please continue to pray that God will open many doors of ministry to us and for us to be able to live here year around. We welcomed our colleagues the Putnam’s back from their 90 days out of country. Pray that the next 90 days will be pleasing to the Lord before their state side assignment.
Ministry opportunities:
Zoya, our language teacher continues to ask many questions each week as we begin our language class each day with a short Bible study. Pray that as her knowledge of the Word increases her heart will open to the truth of the Gospel.
Marty was invited to preach at Immanuel Church once this month. Please pray for national leaders to step up and fill leadership roles. During the month of prayer we saw God work in Nationals leading them in that direction. Praise the Lord.
We are able to meet each week at a children’s home. It is such a blessing to be around this group of children. They are in need of being loved. Pray that our short time with them each week is multiplied by God. The director is very open for us to be there as much as possible.
This month we had the opportunity to meet a lady named Nellie. Nellie is 70 years old and the morning we met her she had walked 3 miles to church in a snow storm. We were able to give her a ride home and be encouraged by talking to her. The next time you are looking for an excuse to miss worship, think about Nellie.
Continue to pray that we are given opportunities to witness to folks every day. Pray that we are able to see where God is working.
School Happenings:
Lee and Emma are very excited that school is out. They have both completed their home school studies and did very well this year. They are looking forward to a summer break. Lee will be able to attend a youth summer camp this year in Budapest. Pray for him as he travels with other adults and MK’s.
Suzanne and I are still plugging away at learning the language. We have both experienced some rough spots in language this month but have managed to keep our heads above water. Please continue to pray for us in our language learning process.
We have finally begun to see signs of spring. The first two Sundays in May we received new snow (about 4 inches each time) but that quickly melted away. There was green grass peeking through the new snow which we found quite amusing. We now have trees budding and turning green. We have even seen a few wildflowers and dandelions blooming. One afternoon we got to go swimming at Golabaya Lagoona (the blue lagoon) and we each got our first Russian sunburn. It was lots of fun and very relaxing. We look forward to getting out and enjoying the sunny days God provides for us. Many people are also out on these pretty days. Pray for opportunities to share God’s love.
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