2 Corinthians 4: 5-7 for we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake. For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of the God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.
Continue to pray that we will be reflectors of Light in a dark world, that we would always give all praise and honor to the Lord Jesus Christ and be humble followers where He leads.
Featured question(s): This is a new section of our monthly newsletter where we would love to answer your questions. Please email your questions to us throughout the year at going.east@hotmail.com and each month we will feature a few questions in the newsletter.
There were no questions submitted this month. Please send us your questions for this section of the newsletter to work. Our desire is to provide you with information of interest.
Family: We were able to celebrate New Year in Kamchatka. It is amazing on how many fireworks the people in Kamchatka shoot each year at this time. We stood in the apartment with our heads hanging out the window and saw a great display. We splurged with a crab meal and movie night.
This month has been a time of hurry up and waits for the Roberts family. We seemed to be in a constant rush after the New Year to get all the stuff done needed to head to Seoul, Korea for visa renewal. Once we arrived in Seoul and mailed our package of documents we began the waiting mode. On the day before we were to fly out our documents returned to us in order. Praise the Lord, He is always on time.
I believe that Dorothy once made the statement, “There is no place like home.” That is so true, even when you return to 5 feet of snow. We had a blast in Korea while waiting. The kids were able to catch up on fast food favorites, and even took in their first ever adventure theme park. It was much like Disney World with Korean flair. The kids loved it and maybe mom and dad also. Before our waiting period was over we were ready to get back to the place where God has called us. We did not want to leave our new friends but it was time to return. We were blessed with a refreshing time in wait.
Maybe, if we all just took a little time with family and few more days on occasion to simply wait and listen we could be refreshed. Psalm 27:14 Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.
Ministry Opportunities: God’s plan always overwhelms me when I can look backwards and see his handy work. When the Roberts family was blessed to serve as pastor at Wheeler Baptist Church we were able to meet several exchange students that church members would bring in to their home each year. One young lady, YeEun, came to live in the Fairs home. Over the next year we were able to develop a relationship with YeEun. God has now expanded our territory to where we have been able to share with her family on three different occasions in their home in Korea. Our God is a big God and builds big bridges.
We were also able to celebrate the Korean New Year holiday with YeEun and her family on the lunar holiday January 24. It was a great time spent by all. We ate traditional food, played traditional games, and Emma Grace even was adorned with traditional Korean dress. Thank you Han family for being special friends of the Roberts family.
We also were able to meet the Holyfield family while in Korea. They are our colleagues and serve in other parts of our world. They were home folks. I don’t just mean brothers and sisters in Christ, I mean Mississippi home folk. They understood fried food, southern accent, and they especially understood the calling we have on our lives. Praise the Lord for such a time of fellowship with them. They have 4 children: 2 of them in college and 2 that our kids loved to hang out with. We look forward to spending more time with them. Please pray for Patsy. She underwent back surgery while we were in Korea. The surgery went well and she was definitely an encouragement to our family the way she handled the process. They will be traveling back to the field soon. Please pray for speedy healing and a comfortable travel back home. They are still in wait!
While in Korea we were able to have several spiritual conversations with folks we had previously met and also strangers. God is doing a great work in Seoul.
Marty was invited to preach at Central church in Petropavlovsk. Praise the Lord for opportunities with believers in the city.
Language: We enjoyed a few days off of formal language study while we were in Korea. Our current language curriculum consists of 3 books. The 3rd book has book A and book B. Before we left for Korea we completed book 3A. Continue to pray for us as we strive to build our language skills and complete this final book.
Visa Update: We have returned to Kamchatka with another 90 day visa. We are officially registered in the city. That simply means that we have permission to live in Petropavlovsk – Kamchatka until April 28, 2009 and then we must leave again. We praise the Lord for this door that is opened for us to return. Please continue to pray that we fully understand God’s plan for long term in Kamchatka. Pray for us as we continue to seek out a way to live in Kamchatka for longer than 90 days at a time.
Prayer Request:
-Pray for the Putnam family as they begin the paperwork process to return to PK.
- Pray for the many visa situations throughout Russia.
-Pray for Alexander and his family as God continues to use him in Kamchatka.
- Pray for the new believers in Kamchatka as they continue their walk with the Lord.
-Pray for the folks at Emmanuel as they take part in Street Evangelism Training and Application..
- Pray that we will be faithful to serve the Lord on a daily basis in the midst of __________ (just fill in the blanks).
- Pray for laborers. (We invite you to join us physically in the work – for more information about bringing a mission team to Kamchatka…..just ask!)
Thank you for holding the rope!!! We would love to hear what is happening in your ministry.
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