Spurgeon once wrote, “Jesus Christ is the light to the eye, honey to the taste, music to the ear, and joy to the heart.”
Over the past three weeks we have engaged many people on the streets of Petropavlovsk and asked the question: (Кто для вас Ййсус?) Who is Jesus to you? Take a moment and ask yourself that same question. To YOU who is Jesus? I could write pages on the different answers we received. I pray that you know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and have a growing relationship with the King of Kings.
We want to give a special thanks to all of you who faithfully hold the rope for us in prayer. God used you in the preparing of good soil and many of you joined the work in Kamchatka the past few weeks in a special season of prayer. Thank you! You will never know this side of heaven the impact of your prayers.
I do want to take this opportunity to invite you to join us physically in the work here. We are in desperate need for laborers to come around the world on short term and long term trips. If God has stirred your heart in this direction please contact us and let’s begin planning a trip for you. It will not only change the lives of many in Kamchatka but it will change your life as well. We are praying for laborers.
Family: Since our last newsletter we have traveled to the states for some vacation time and visa renewal. The time we had in the states with our family, friends and prayer warriors was a blessing from God. As soon as we returned to PK we started preparing for the three weeks of teams that were on the way from the states. We were blessed to be a part of this. We worked with the Putnam family and the teams from Ingram Baptist Church and Oak Hill Baptist Church. We praise the Lord for those who came and invested their time in Kamchatka: Joel, John, Patricia, Holly, Danielle, Greg, Kaila, Jeremy and Joe, thank you guys and gals for allowing the Lord to work through you in Kamchatka.
Ministry Opportunities: We joined together with Team PK and the mission teams from the states for a city wide evangelism effort. We saw God do some might things in just a short period of time. Here are the stats from the past three weeks:
Total people engaged on the streets of PK: 1,328
Total people who would not listen to the Gospel: 620
Total Bibles given to those who never had a Bible: 190
Total people that heard the true Gospel: 708
Total people who want to meet and discuss the TRUTH further: 151
Total people who prayed to receive Christ: 124
Please pray for those who heard the Gospel and did not respond. Ask the Lord to continue to speak to them. Pray for the people of Emmanuel as they contact those who prayed and those who want to meet for further study.
Below are three stories from the past few weeks:
Joel Strahan, pastor of Ingram Baptist Church, wrote:
Imaging this place and seeing it are two different things entirely. As we walked the streets of Petropavlovsk speaking the truth into people’s lives, it became apparent to me why God chose to send us to this place. The people of Kamchatka are living in such darkness that is difficult to describe. After three days I said, “This is what it looks like when you live under the rule of Satan for so long.” The city looks, smells, and feels depraved. The people don’t smile, they don’t initiate conversation, and they don’t have hope for anything better. I praise God for sending the Roberts and the Putnam’s here to live! This is a picture of God’s grace. However, the two families are praying for more workers to come sow God’s Word. I want to encourage everyone to pray for the salvation of these people. Pray for more money to be given to foreign missions long enough for God to tell you to give. Pray for missionaries long enough for God to call you to go.
Joe Veal, evangelist and founder of “U Turn” ministries, wrote:
In a land of volcanoes and vodka we saw God moving. My friends the Roberts have been called by God to move to this cold yet beautiful land, not so unlike the people we’ve encountered here. As spring moves in God’s “SUN” warms the earth and new life buds across Kamchatka. As we spread the warmth of God’s “SON” we saw eternal life spring up. What a privilege to see people come into the kingdom.
In a land where we take freedom for granted we need to pray for the Roberts by name: Marty, Suzanne, Lee and Emma Grace. Thank God for His passion for the people of Kamchatka and for His passion that flows through the Roberts’. This land is consumed and controlled by alcohol. I pray for a great reversal that Jesus would replace the temporary high and they would receive the “Most High.” As we walk the streets of Petropavlovsk the volcano looms in the distance occasionally the earth shakes or smoke rolls from the top. By and large people ignore or take for granted its presence. At anytime this awesome power could erupt. How similar to our attitudes towards God. He’s coming! Do we really live like it? God help us.
Suzanne, serving in Kamchatka, writes:
WOW! Our God is an awesome God! I have been allowed the privilege of feeling His power and protection, wisdom and love, mercy and grace like never before while sitting in a Russian police station. Because of Satan’s desire to keep a stronghold on the peoples of Kamchatka he brought opposition to the spreading of God’s Word. Joe, a fellow laborer for Christ, and myself along with our translator, (a Russian Believer) were taken in for questioning for sharing the Gospel of Christ with teens on the streets of PK. An off duty officer overheard the message and became offended and very angry. He made a phone call and in a matter of minutes we were being carried into a precinct at the end of town. In my opinion, Satan’s attempt to halt the Gospel only backfired because three men and one young lady who may never have heard the Truth were presented the Gospel many times. Praise be to God and may He change their lives forever. Even though I was nervous I was never “afraid” because I knew God was on my side. He allowed me to share my faith with boldness and confidence in the face of opposition. “In God I have put my trust, I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?” Psalm 56:11
God intervened and sent us a Christian lawyer who know the Russian law well. After two separate trips on two different days to the station, ten hours of “interviews” and waiting we were found to have done nothing wrong.
Language: Praise the Lord!!! We passed our language exam and have been released from full time language. We can now begin looking for a place to live in the village and start planning a move in God’s timing. We will continue our language classes three days a week once we are settled. Pray that God reveals to us exactly where and how we are to move north.
Prayer Request:
-Pray for the discipleship of new believers.
- Pray for the many visa struggles throughout Russia.
-Pray for Alexander (Sasha) and his family as God continues to use him in Kamchatka.
- Pray for the new believers in Kamchatka as they continue their walk with the Lord.
- Pray that we will be faithful to serve the Lord on a daily basis in the midst of __________ (just fill in the blanks).
- Pray for laborers. (We invite you to join us physically in the work – for more information about bringing a mission team to Kamchatka…..just ask!)
Thank you for holding the rope!!! We would love to hear from you!
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