Wednesday, July 29, 2009

August 2009

Prayer request from last month’s newsletter: Please pray for us specifically as we attempt to seek out a place to rent so that we might live in the village over the next 1 ½ years before we come back to the states on our state side assignment. The village is made up of about 3,500 people and will be the strategic place to live as we reach out to other adjacent villages. The village is made up of primarily small wooden houses or log cabins. Therefore, it has proven difficult for us to find a place that is for rent. The majority of the places that are open are for sale only. At the present time due to the shortage of last year’s Lottie Moon Christmas Offering buying or building is not an option for us at this time. Please pray that the Lord directs us to the person of good will that will help us in locating the exact place in which the Lord would have us to live for the next 1 ½ years. Thank you so much for making this a matter of specific prayer.

Thank you so much for praying over this matter. We made the trip to village “E” in order to continue to look for a place to move. We had looked at a couple of places earlier but they did not seem to have great potential. We simply trusted the Lord and headed north over the dirt, rocky, mountain roads. God heard your prayers and gave us a person of good will. We arrived in the village late Friday evening and prepared to sleep. We were sort of camping out there. Saturday morning with some of our Russian believers we loaded up and drove to another village north of village “E.” We slept there Saturday night and held Sunday services in that village. Sunday night we returned to Village “E.” By Monday evening we had received word that one of the houses we had looked at that was for sale might have an option to rent. Tuesday we went to meet with the owner of the house. It was as if God had already planned everything for us. The time frame, price, and all other logistics just fell into place. A special thanks to each one of you who made this a matter of special prayer. We will be traveling to Seoul, South Korea the middle of August to apply for a new Russian visa. We should return to Petropavlovsk around the 20th and then start packing up to head to the village TO LIVE the first of September. Please continue to pray that all travel, document and moving logistics will be routine.

Family: Our family is doing well and we are getting excited about moving to the village. Emma Grace asked over a year ago for a bike, a dog and her own room when we moved to the village. I know that she prayed for this more than once. God is so great that He even takes care of the minor details. As soon as we returned to the city with the assurance of moving to the village in September we went to the sport’s store in the city and purchased Emma a new bike to take to the village. Now wait, that is not the end of the story. While we were looking at the house to rent in the village and had started finalizing all the logistical matters, the owner of the home had one more question. The lady that owns the house will be moving to the city to live close to her grandchildren. She looked at Emma and said, “I want you to meet someone.” She called and around the corner came Deek, a black beautiful spaniel. Deek is 4 years old and when he rounded the corner Emma kneeled down and Deek ran straight to her. Our landlady asked Emma if she could take care of Deek. She seemed to think that he would not like the city and should continue to live in the village. Emma’s face lit up and a big smile went across her face. She said, “Mom and Dad, I got all I asked for, my own room, a dog, and maybe a new bike.” Of course she got the new bike, her own room and a black 4 year old spaniel named Deek. I was reminded of an old children’s song: “Jesus loves the little children of the world.”

We also received 4 heavy boxes from the states this week. Each box was packed full with Lee and Emma’s home school books for next year. They may not have been as excited about the books as they were the village house and moving. Take a minute and pray for their school year and their home school teacher, Suzanne.

Ministry Opportunities: We were able to travel to the villages this month. It was a great time. We visited with several people in different villages. We held services in village “K.” We met with believers in village “E.” Also, in village “E” we were able to visit a few homes and share the Gospel. One lady, I would guess in her upper 60’s maybe early 70’s, prayed to receive Christ. She had been raised in the Orthodox Church and knew about Jesus but had never understood how to have a relationship with Christ. We spent a couple of hours with her and toward the end of our meeting she said, “I want that.” She prayed and gave her life to Christ and the smile that came across her face was larger than the smile on Emma’s when she saw Deek.

We also invited Mesha, Lee’s Russian friend, to tag along with us on this trip. We were able to help do some minor construction work on the youth camp in the village, work on a future neighbors roof, and help repair some of the water lines. Mesha proved to be a hard worker.

The follow up contacts from the mission teams in the city of PK are underway. Please pray for Mesha and Tanya, Russian nationals from Emmanuel Church, as they continue to make follow up contacts this month. Pray for Sasha and his family who are out of PK at this time on vacation. They will be gone for another month. Pray that they returned refreshed.

Laborers Together: We want to give a special “thank you” to all who pray for us on a regular basis. Please continue to pray and share with others about the work God is doing in Kamchatka. Take a moment to pass on our blog address and/or email address to others. You can view our blog at or email us at please remember that we are always excited to hear from you and answer any questions you might have about the work in Kamchatka.

Volunteer teams are needed. If you have any interest in physically joining the work in Kamchatka you are desperately needed. We already have teams that are preparing for their trip here next summer. Please know that it is impossible to plan a trip to Kamchatka in a short period of time. We suggest a year of planning and at least six months of preparation. If you are interested in how you can come to Kamchatka, help in what God is doing and are willing to have your life changed for your investment in the Kingdom don’t hesitate to contact us. The time for planning is now.

Language: Praise the Lord!!! We passed our language exam and have been released from full time language. We will continue our language classes three days a week once we are settled in the village. Pleas pray and ask the Lord to direct us to the teacher we need in the village.

Prayer Request:
-Pray for us as we pack and plan for life in the village.
-Pray for the discipleship of new believers.
- Pray for the many visa struggles throughout Russia.
-Pray for Alexander (Sasha) and his family as God continues to use him in Kamchatka.
- Pray for the new believers in Kamchatka as they continue their walk with the Lord.
- Pray that we will be faithful to serve the Lord on a daily basis in the midst of __________ (just fill in the blanks).
- Pray for laborers. (We invite you to join us physically in the work – for more information about bringing a mission team to Kamchatka…..just ask!)

Thank you for holding the rope!!! We would love to hear from you!

1 comment:

jim varnon said...

We do think of you often and you are very much in our prayers...jimvarnon