Tuesday, April 27, 2010

May Prayer Calendar

Please join us in daily, specific prayer for the peoples of Kamchatka throughout the month of May.

The Month of Prayer for Kamchatka
May 2010

2 New Churches
Currently, there are 2 Baptist churches and 1 new church plant in Petropavlovsk (PK). We’d love to see the number double annually. Please pray that new churches with an intense love for God and a vision for seeing Kamchatka come to Christ will be planted in each of the 31 districts in the city.

3 North Horizon
Pray for this small group to:
*develop into a church

*leadership to rise

*start a new group this year

4 The Fields
Less that ½ of 1% of the population of PK have a genuine relation-ship with Jesus. Please pray that this will change and many will come to know him.
Jesus said “Look!! The fields are white for harvest!”

5 Emmanuel
Emmanuel is the key church plant in PK which is serving as the model for more churches. Ask the Lord to allow the roots of this church to grow deep in Him resulting in much fruit that lasts!

6 Good News
Good News is the oldest Baptist church in Kam-chatka celebrating over 40 years. Pray that they will catch a vision that goes beyond themselves and participate in reaching the peoples of Kamchatka for Christ.

There are several new believers in the AZS district. Please pray that a BS group will form that will lead to a new church in this district this year!

8 Goodwill
Currently, all avenues of long term residence have been adamantly denied revealing a staunch resistance to our presence. Pray for people of goodwill to be placed in the government positions that have influence over our lives in Kamchatka.

9 Natives of Kamchatka
Please pray for the salvation of the Natives of Kamchatka—the Eveni, the Koryak, and the Chukchi. Please pray for the gospel to spread to villages inaccessible by road and isolated by distances.

10 Mil’kovo
The church in Mil’kovo is with-out a pastor but has 6 faithful ladies who continue to meet regularly. Pray that the Lord will raise up leadership. Pray for strength and encouragement for the women there.

11 Esso
Pray for the new church plant (the Way to the Source church) in Esso that they will grow spiritually and multiply.

12 Village K
Pray for the church in Village K that they will thrive and grow spiritually in the midst of the harsh climate and isolation.

13 “A” Village without a church
*95% native
Pray for:
*dreams & visions among the people
*the North American Native mission team ministering to this village in August that they will reap a great Harvest!

14 Villages S, Sh, L, Al, R
Pray for wisdom and vision for these villages with no churches and with no laborers working for the sake of Christ.

15 Camps
Please pray for the summer youth and adult camps and other projects engaging in evangelistic activities. Pray that villages will be open and responsive.

16 Sasha & Tanya
Pray for Sasha as he leads Emmanuel church, trains Russian leaders, and supply preaches—all in addition to working full-time. Pray for Sasha and Tanya that God will give them full health and wisdom in ministry and family.

17 Future Leaders
Please pray for these future church leaders in Kamchatka:

18 Putnams
Pray for the Putnam family that they will experience His grace as they lead in church planting and leadership training in the city. Pray for strength as they renew visas every 90 days.

19 Roberts
The Roberts finish their first term on the field in October. Pray that God will give them a fruitful first summer in Esso and that they will finish well.

20 Valodya and Nadezheda
As Valodya seeks to lead the Good News church, please pray for an increasing love for God in his heart, a clear under-standing of the Word, and the ability to com-municate the Word clearly to the church.

21 Zhenya and Sveta
Please for this couple as they lead Way to the Source Church in Esso. May God grant wisdom, strength and perseverance as they:
*raise 3 kids
*he works 2 jobs
*desire to plant
churches across

Wanted: Volunteers and Full-Time laborers

Ask the Lord to send laborers into the fields of Kamchatka to help with:
*logistic coord.
*church planting
*church camps
*leadership training

23 Volunteer Teams
The first of 2010 volunteer teams will arrive this week. Teams will come and depart throughout the year. Please pray for quick adjustment to the time and culture. Please pray for safety and a spiritual harvest as they travel around the city and villages engaging in evangelism and Bible distribution.

24 Appointments
We are looking for open hearts and open homes. Please pray for divine appoint-ments with people who are ready to be saved and willing to open their apartments and homes in the city and villages to study the Bible.

25 Translators
Please pray that the translators that will be helping our teams will accurately communicate the gospel and will be faithful in serving in this role.

26 Weather
Ask the Lord to provide nice sunny days that will bring lots of people outside while the volunteer teams are here.

27 No Trouble
Ask the Lord to shield and protect the volunteer teams from any trouble from local opposition.

28The Multitudes
Please pray that God will save the multitudes! Please pray that churches will be planted across Kamchatka and many strong followers of Christ will emerge!

29 The Continued Vision
Please pray for:
*volunteers to spread the vision of world missions
*a prompt and precise follow-up to newly found contacts
*A thriving, multiplying church in every district in the city and every village in Kamchatka!

Thanks for holding the rope!

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