Sunday, September 9, 2007

Why Hold the Rope?

Our basic means of understanding and fulfilling God's mission is learning how to hold the rope.

Holding the rope undergirds God's work in the world.

Holding the rope enables us to discern His priorities and the development of His strategies for carrying out His work within a given people group.

God has chosen to accomplish His purposes in this world in response to the "rope holders" of His people.

Holding the rope can work with all nations and peoples in this world.

Everyone can help Hold the Rope.

Holding the rope is hte most crucial work a person can be doing.

Oswald Chambers once stated, "Prayer does not just fit us for the greater work. Prayer is the greater work."

Thanks for holding the rope. Keep up the good work!!!

1 comment:

Jason Elder said...

Hey, Roberts. I had heard that you were moving to Russia to spread the news. That's great. So happy that you heard God's call so that all nations may hear, know and believe.

I'm in Midtown Memphis planting a church with my wife and another couple. It's very hard and rewarding.

Thanks for taking the gospel to the uttermost.

Jason Elder